Students stand with Sammy the Mascot


Campus-Wide Goals

The Office of the Chancellor sponsors and supports a number of initiatives in support of UC Santa Cruz’s campus wide goals.

  • Advance student success by improving retention and graduation rates and closing equity gaps 
  • Increase UC Santa Cruz’s research profile and impact
  • Foster an inclusive campus climate that embraces and values diversity and equity
  • Improve efficiency, effectiveness, resilience and sustainability

Campus Safety Services Realignment

In fall 2021, UCOP introduced the UC Community Safety Plan. In this plan, President Drake charged each of the 10 UC campuses with reimagining campus safety in the 21st century. In response to the UC Community Safety Plan and recommendations from the Campus Safety Community Advisory Board (CAB), UC Santa Cruz has implemented several changes to better support our diverse campus community.

Strategic Educational and Regional Partnerships

In order to expand our impact in the Central Coast, UC Santa Cruz engages leaders from many sectors to streamline educational pathways, strengthen communities, expand career opportunities and enhance our regional economy.

Leading the Change: The UC Santa Cruz Strategic Plan

UC Santa Cruz embarked on the process of developing a new strategic plan — Leading the Change — during the 2022–23 academic year. Building on Envision, a 2013 campus strategic plan, and the 2017 Strategic Academic Plan, Leading the Change is a shared vision that aligns with the university’s overarching goals, including enhancing student success, expanding research impact, fostering inclusivity, and improving operational efficiency, sustainability, and resilience.

View Previous Initiatives

Last modified: May 10, 2024