The mission of the University Space Committee (USC) is to provide strategic advice to the Chancellor on the allocation of campus space to serve the mission and goals of the university. USC will be responsible for:
- Developing and recommending space utilization guidelines and processes to help communicate standards for space reviews and assignments
- Reviewing and making recommendations on opportunities for space use and/or reallocation of space at all UCSC locations including but not limited to the residential campus, Westside Research Park, Coastal Science Campus, Scotts Valley Center, Silicon Valley Campus, and MBEST
- Helping to assure all space standards and management activities are transparent and disclosed to the campus
Space is a critical resource at UCSC. All space is the property of the UC Regents and managed by the Chancellor. Responsibility for space management within a building or area may be delegated to a principal officer, particularly when the space is primarily occupied by a single unit or division.
Committee Members
Lori Kletzer, Campus Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor, co-chair
Ed Reiskin, Vice Chancellor for Finance Operations & Administration, co-chair
Ted Holman, Faculty Representative
Dee Hibbert-Jones, Faculty Representative
John MacMillan, Vice Chancellor for Research
Melanie Douglas, Associate Vice Chancellor for Information Technology
Katheryne Mitchell, Dean, Social Science
Alexander Wolf, Dean, Baskin School of Engineering
Chris Parker, Facilities Manager for Physical and Biological Sciences
Amy Bruinooge, Assistant Dean of the Humanities
TBD, Graduate Student
Jeremy Hourigan, Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Committee of Planning and Budget member
Bill Sokol, Principal Capital and Space Planner, Capital and Space Planning
Staff Support
Ann Pham, Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor/Chief of Staff