About Staff Advisory Board (SAB)
The Staff Advisory Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor and all senior officers, management and other campus parties or organizations seeking staff consultation. The board is dedicated to promoting better communication and relations among UC Santa Cruz employees and administration.
The purpose of the Board shall be to enhance the functioning of the University of California, Santa Cruz, by promoting the interests and well-being of all staff employees as allowed by law and, in cooperation or coordination with the Office of the Chancellor, to support the mission of the University of California, Santa Cruz. This shall be accomplished by fostering respect and cooperation among all members of the UCSC community and promoting communication among staff, administration, faculty and students about university-related issues of mutual concern.
This purpose may be accomplished by the following:
- Provide a forum whereby staff employees at all job levels may discuss university related issues of mutual concern;
- Make appropriate appointee recommendations of staff employees to various campus wide committees;
- Make recommendations on policies, procedures and issues for non-exclusively represented employees;
- Interview and make recommendations on management hires;
- Coordinate annual staff appreciation activities in conjunction with the Chancellor’s office.
SAB members are nominated and elected at large annually (each spring). Information on elections and current membership is available on the SAB website.