The PAB is a civilian oversight committee charged by the Chancellor and comprised of UC Santa Cruz students, staff and faculty who care about improving police accountability, reforming existing policies and procedures and promoting greater confidence in policing.
More information about the PAB is available on their website.
In fall 2021, UCOP introduced the UC Community Safety Plan. In this plan, President Drake charged each of the 10 UC campuses with reimagining campus safety in the 21st century. Included in this charge was the development of an independent civilian oversight committee to review investigation reports regarding complaints filed against UCPD. To avoid conflict of interest and ensure the independence of the accountability body, no member or alternate can be a current or former campus police department employee, or a current employee of campus counsel or the investigation unit. This body provides recommendations to the Chancellor and Chief of Police to ensure that complaints regarding UCPD policies and the conduct of UCPD personnel are resolved in a fair, thorough, reasonable and expeditious manner.
The PAB shall be comprised of seven (7) members who broadly represent the diversity of the UCSC community. The PAB shall include:
- Two (2) undergraduate students
- One (1) graduate student
- Two (2) faculty members
- Two (2) staff members